🧮 Data Transfer Rate

Terabit per Second to Kilobyte per Second

The data transfer rate conversion of 0.01 terabit per second is 0.059604644775391 kilobyte per second.

Terabit per Second
Kilobyte per Second
Terabit per Second Kilobyte per Second
0.01 0.059604644775391
0.05 0.29802322387695
0.1 0.59604644775391
0.25 1.4901161193848
1 5.9604644775391
5 29.802322387695
10 59.604644775391
20 119.20928955078
50 298.02322387695
100 596.04644775391

Data Transfer Rate

In telecommunications and computing, bit rate (bitrate or as a variable R) is the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time.